migration perspective: 4 authority and their migrations perspectives; Schmalzbauer (04), Boehm (2008), Sanchez Molina (2015), and Hochschild
1) The case of honduran families.
Transnational families are those divides between 2 nation-states whole have maintaine close times, depende on a cross border division of labor in which productivity oscura in the host country and reproductivo in home country.
The transnational literature tend to ficus on Macro Processes, whereas the literature families asumes proximity!
Transnational families are outsider the Stanford middle-class work/family world.
Yet without transnationalizing, pour families often can not secure their survival. Out of necessyty millones of families are living in a permanente Transnational LIMBO, they representante a new family from Borneo out of the INE quality in the global economy and reproduce by men of independence on a transnational división of labor.
In the demant for migrantes labor in US from manufacturing page services, especially Care-industry has increase un remake migration. This is a potencial change in family care structures.
2) Boehm Deborad: For my children; constructing family.
By focusing on transnational families with ties to Peru, Bolivia, and the USA.
This is a study of Mexican migrants experiencies as well, to demostraste the presente and power of US in family migrant life.
Certainly, parents lake choices that afecta their children with a transnational space. In fact, transnational Mexicans are cleary aware of the roses associated with coming to US without documents, for themselves and especially for their children. Migrant are indeed aware of how the stage constructs Deportability. Parents speculate about separations from their children should they themselves be deported. Families are children now US citizents. Transnational mexicana and transnational children, live on the marging of 2 countries, a position that underscores both the potencial, and the permeability of the state power.
The question of whole will protected the Rights of the transnational children as individuales and as members of familiares and larger communities- remaing unanswered.
3) S. Molina: Caring while Missing children' s Infancy; transnational Mothering.
Women migrants are forces by Macro- estructural conditions have developed some strategies to overcome this separation to their children.
During ethnographic data, the Molina paper was focus on how estructural, ethnic, generacional, and another factors afect the development of transnational Mothering practics among honduran women, highlightimg their social contribution to both sending and receiving societies.
In conclutionn, In 2010 inmigrants and cívica rights advocates in Washington DC, demanding legal reform which world allow millions of undocumented workers to regulariza their inmigration estatus.
Deploying transnational Mothering practicas as a strategy of adaptation, they try to overcome estructural barrieron that force them to live away from their children for more than 15 years. Meanwhile, a transnational generation for grandmother demanding more care!
4) R. Hochschild; Global care chains and Emotional surplus value
Global capitalism afect whatever it touches and it touches virtually everything including what Hochschild call Global Care Chains, a serie of personal li is between people across the globo based on the paid or unpaid works of caring. Usually women make cup there chaos, though it's posible that some chains are made up of both women and men, or, un rare cases made made uP of just men.
Chains also vary in the nombre of linus, somes have one, others 2 or more. One common form of such a chain is;
1)an older dauther from por family whole cares for her sibling whole,
2)her mother works as a nany caring for children of migrsnting nanny
3)cares for the child of a family in a righ country
There are many studies of globalización that can Shell US to overcome our localism. But some scolari, however, exploring global!
On another hand, authority can think of 3 ways to secure chains:
1)throug the eyes of the primordialist; Nation
2)the sunshine modernist; Globalización
3)the critica modernist; Inecquities.
Because globalization mayor be increasing Inequalities not simple in acceso to money, but acces to care!!!!!
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