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Resultado de imagen de imagen panda  Resultado de imagen de imagen oso polar  Resultado de imagen de imagen orangutan de sumatra Resultado de imagen de imagen elefante africano

GIANT PANDA: The giant panda is at risk from climate change due to the potential shifting distribution of the bamboo forests which are both its basic food source and its natural habitat, a particular problem given the already fragmented nature of panda populations.

OLAR BEAR: The survival of the polar bear is threatened by climate change. The Arctic is warming at approximately twice the speed of the global average, which is shrinking polar bear habitat by causing the sea ice to melt and remaining ice cover to be thinner. As polar bears are specialised in hunting seals, which rest and pup on sea ice, reduced sea ice means its hunting period is shortened with the result that it has to fast for longer. 

SUMATRA ORANGUTAN: Climate change could also lead to more intense droughts and increase the risk of the forest fi res already impacting the habitat of the great apes. Similar events have already occurred. In 1997 the dramatic forest fi res which ravaged Kalimantan (the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo) caused millions of hectares of forest to go up in smoke, probably causing the deaths of many orangutans living in the area. 

AFRICAN ELEFANT: Given that elephant migrations are linked to seasonal changes in rainfall and vegetation, it is likely that the pace of their movements will change along with a disruption of the overall distribution of the species as a whole. Agriculture and the presence of human infrastructures also hinder the movement of elephant populations to more suitable habitats. 

Resultado de imagen de imagen ballena azul Resultado de imagen de imagen tortuga verde

Blue whales would have to travel even further south (possibly an extra 200 to 500 km) to reach and feed at these food-rich areas where they build up reserves to sustain themselves for the rest of the year. These longer migration paths could increase the energy costs of migration and reduce the duration of the main feeding season. As frontal zones move southward, they will move closer together, reducing the overall area of foraging habitat available. 

Green turtle. Temperature plays a key role at every stage of the life of the sea turtle. Its sex is actually determined by the incubation temperature of the eggs buried in the beach sand after laying (hotter temperatures favour the development of females, while cooler temperatures favour males). It is obvious, therefore, that a small increase in temperature can seriously skew the proportion of the sexes in favour of females.

People. Although humans are the cause of climate warming, they will also be its victims. The conditions of their environment will change and influence the social and environmental determinants of their health: pure air, clean drinking water, food in sufficient quantities, housing safety. Climate change is already the cause of population displacements which are at the root of tensions and conflicts throughout the world. For example, certain populations of the islands of Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea, fearing rising water levels, are beginning to flee. And further increased migration is one of the likely consequences of climate change in the future.


 Bumblebees (Bombus) The bumblebees of Europe and North America are disappearing from the most southerly and hottest parts of their range, but do not appear to be migrating further north in quest of temperatures better adapted to their biological cycle. Some bumblebees have retreated as much as 300 kilometres from the southern edge of their historic ranges.This is an alarming situation because as active pollinators, bumblebees play a key role in relation to crops and food security. Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) 

The Edelweiss is a star-shaped fl ower with leaves covered in fuzzy “hairs” which lives at an altitude of up to 3 400 m. Climate change is likely to negatively impact edelweiss, driving plant species that usually live at lower altitudes to colonise these higher altitude areas where the temperatures are more suitable for them. This may create competition which the ‘traditional’ mountain species may not be able to sustain.

 Elkhorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) Higher water temperatures due to climate upheaval and increased acidifi cation of the oceans are responsible for the phenomenon of coral bleaching. Bleaching occurs when the coral, stressed by the higher water temperature, expels the microscopic algae zooxanthellae with which it lives in symbiosis. These algae supply the coral with its food and give their colours to their calcareous skeleton. If the zooxanthellae do not re-enter the coral tissue, the coral dies.

Controlando el cambio climático Visita la Web:  Tú controlas el cambio climático. 

Calculadora de carbono . Tienes que indicar los cambios que estás dispuesto a hacer en cada una de las cuatro categorías (Baja-Apaga-Recicla-Camina). Haz un informe de todo e...
Controlando el cambio climático Visita la Web: Tú controlas el cambio climático. Calculadora de carbono. Tienes que indicar los cambios que estás dispuesto a hacer en cada una de las cuatro categorías (Baja-Apag


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